Policies and Procedures

Our Commitment to Your Experience

At That Myo You Know, our goal is to offer you professional and therapeutic services. The following policies and procedures are designed to guide both first-time and returning guests to ensure an exceptional experience.

We value your time as much as ours and strive to be ready for your appointment at the scheduled time. To provide every client with a unique and outstanding experience and to respect our therapists’ time, we have implemented the following policies:

Arrival to Your Massage Treatment

Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment. This allows time for new clients to complete the necessary forms if not already done. Each session is timed precisely, and early arrival ensures a relaxed, unhurried experience. If you arrive late, your session may be shortened to stay on schedule, and the full treatment fee may still apply.

New Clients

New clients are required to pay a $50 deposit to secure their first booking. If you cancel within the guidelines below, you can retain the deposit as credit for a future booking or request a refund, which will be processed within 7 days. However, if you cancel without adhering to our cancellation policy, the deposit will be forfeited.

Cancellation Policy

Please give at least 48 hours’ notice if you need to reschedule or cancel a treatment. Repeated late cancellations (two or more) may require you to pre-pay for future services. A cancellation fee may also apply if you reschedule or cancel with short notice, depending on whether we can fill the appointment time. The fee structure is as follows:

  • 100% Fee: Less than 3 hours’ notice, including no-shows.
  • 50% Fee: Less than 48 hours but more than 3 hours’ notice.
  • 25% Fee: Emergency situations (e.g., hospitalization, sudden illness) if the appointment is partially filled.
  • 0% Fee: If the appointment is fully filled, with 48+ hours’ notice.

If you need to cancel with short notice, it would be greatly appreciated if you can find someone to take your appointment (such as a friend or family member). Our team will also do their best to fill your appointment. If successful, the late cancellation fee will be waived.

Late Arrival Policy

Due to the specific timing of each session, late arrivals may not receive an extension of the scheduled appointment. In special cases, if our schedule allows and with advanced notice, we may be able to accommodate a partial or full session. This will be at our discretion.

No-Show Policy

We understand that unexpected events happen. However, we request that you notify us if you cannot keep your appointment. Clients who repeatedly fail to show up for appointments may be required to pre-pay for future services. To compensate our therapists for their reserved time, you will be charged 100% of the treatment cost for no-shows.

Outstanding Fees

We will not provide further services until any outstanding cancellation fees are settled. Please note that private health insurers and other third-party payers do not cover cancellation fees.

Informed Consent

Before each session, your treatment plan will be discussed with you. Your therapist will work to provide the best possible treatment, but if there is anything you’re uncomfortable with or do not understand, please feel free to ask for clarification or request to skip certain parts of the treatment.

Scope of Practice

Our therapists are licensed professionals held to the highest standards of various Australian Massage Associations. They apply manual techniques intended to positively affect your health and well-being. However, they do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. If necessary, they may refer you to a medical doctor for further diagnosis or treatment. Our services are not a substitute for medical care; please consult a doctor for specific medical conditions.

Respect for Client Needs and Boundaries

Our therapists are happy to adjust pressure, temperature, music volume, or focus on specific areas at your request. You may choose to keep on as much clothing as you need for comfort, refuse any massage methods, or stop the massage at any time. You will always be modestly draped, with only the area being massaged uncovered. The breast and genital areas will not be massaged, and a professional distance will be maintained.

Sexual interaction or discussion of any kind is NEVER appropriate and will not be tolerated. If such a request is made, the session will be immediately terminated, full payment will be required, and the client will not be rebooked. This behavior may also be reported to the proper authorities.

Confidentiality and Conversation

We treat all client visits and conditions as confidential and will not discuss your visit with anyone outside our staff without your express permission. You are free to talk or remain silent during your massage, and we will follow your lead in conversation. We prefer to avoid discussions of political, private, or sexual topics.

Existing and New Medical Conditions

It is your responsibility to inform the therapist of any current medical treatments and provide written permission from your healthcare provider if necessary. Please also update the therapist on any changes in your health condition. For clients undergoing chemo or radiation therapies, a doctor’s note is required to confirm that they are aware of and approve the desired treatment.

If you have any questions about the above information, please contact us.

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